Industry 4.0

The BI-box is a machine-independent interface capable of interfacing (via physical I/O or communication) signals (volume, temperature, pressure... ) from heterogeneous machinery to a higher-level system (BI, ERP, MES). It can be used to interface various parameters of an uninstrumented universal lathe to a higher level system, but also to connect a machine with more advanced communication via an industry standard protocol. To the higher level system, the BI-box has a standard database interface, through which it makes the data it collects available through simple queries.

Simulation, virtual commissioning
Existing or expected conditions can be modelled using simulation. The virtual model created in the software provides the basis for further possibilities. With virtual commissioning, we can reduce the time needed for design, development and, last but not least, testing and commissioning. The virtual model is suitable for testing the function without actually building the system.